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Casilda S.

Casilda S.

35-45 Grupo etario

2 Niños , 4,8 - Edad

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Inicio: 07 / 2014 - 08 / 2015
Disponible para: 1 month - 3 months
Nombre Casilda S.
Nacionalidad Spanish
Idioma(s) que habla Spanish
Vivimos en Spain
Registrado en 29/06/2014
Último acceso 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Presentación personal

I am looking for aupair to organize summer activities and learning English for 6 children aged 3 to 9 years. We are a family of 11 brothers and sisters, whom we like to organize many activities together, especially for our children in Ledesma. Our village. Ledesma, a small medieval town located on the rocky escarpments that dominate the Tormes River, woodland of ancient oaks. This historic walled villa, set on a site of the Bronze Age is 35 km from Salamanca. Our children likes activities of nature and adventure with 6 children from the same family ,(children are cousins). The family has extensive gardens, indoor pool and space for games and adventures. We looking for aupair who can organizing and leading activities for children in English, so that they learn the language while they play.The aupair will housed in a separate apartment with a living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. The family provides meals. The aupair will eat with children, and we will apreciate than can help cooking for the children.

El empleo para personal extranjero de trabajo doméstico

The work will be monday to friday, 9:00 to 15:00


Prefiero personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico del género Mujer
Se aceptan parejas de personas extranjeras para trabajo doméstico No
Se requerirá que el personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico maneje autos No
Se requiere el cuidado de una persona mayor No
Se requiere que el personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico realize trabajos del hogar Ligera

Acerca de

Familia monoparental No
Nuestra religión No Religion
Practicamos nuestra religión No
Tenemos niños con necesidades especiales No
Requerimos el cuidado de niños menores a 2 años de edad No