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Elaine S.

Elaine S.

35-45 Grupo etario

2 Niños , - Edad

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Inicio: 06 / 2024 - 05 / 2025
Disponible para: 12 months - 24 months
Nombre Elaine S.
Nacionalidad American
Idioma(s) que habla English
Vivimos en United States of America
Registrado en 03/06/2024
Último acceso 5 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Presentación personal

Hello! My name is Elaine, and my husband, Jaeyop, is a fellow physician who works full-time. I work on the e-commerce space. We are a family of four, with our lovely daughter, Kayla, who is three years old and will be turning four in August, and our adorable 7-month-old son. Kayla is a delightful young girl with a heart full of curiosity. At first encounter, she may appear shy, but once she warms up, her vibrant personality shines through. Kayla's boundless energy keeps us on our toes, and her enthusiasm for life is truly infectious. Our little boy, Carter, at five months old, is already showing signs of his own unique personality. While still discovering the world around him, he radiates joy with his infectious giggles and wide-eyed wonder. As parents, my husband and I cherish the close bond we share with our children. Despite the busyness of our lives, we strive to create meaningful moments together as a family. We delight in watching Kayla's nurturing instincts blossom as she interacts with her baby brother, and we look forward to witnessing their sibling bond grow stronger with each passing day.

El empleo para personal extranjero de trabajo doméstico

Looking for an Au Pair who genuinely loves children and has experience taking care of toddlers and infants. Responsibilities and duties will include: Childcare • Pick up/Drop off first child to school • Playing with the toddler/baby: taking kids to the park and playground, keeping them engaged, talking and reading • Changing diapers • Preparing meals/snacks and feeding kids • Putting into naps • Bathing/Tooth Brushing • Dressing/Undressing House work • Cleaning/organizing kid’s room and play area • Laundry/folding kids clothes • Cleaning kitchen area after meal • Cleaning baby bottles and toys • Keeping their own room clean • Keeping their own bathroom clean We would like to create a lifelong friendly relationship with our Au Pair that will become part of our family! We are excited to explore this new experience with you and to welcome you into our home.


Prefiero personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico del género Mujer
Se aceptan parejas de personas extranjeras para trabajo doméstico No
Se requerirá que el personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico maneje autos No
Se requiere el cuidado de una persona mayor No
Se requiere que el personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico realize trabajos del hogar Promedio

Acerca de

Familia monoparental No
Nuestra religión Christian Orthodox
Practicamos nuestra religión No
Tenemos niños con necesidades especiales No
Requerimos el cuidado de niños menores a 2 años de edad