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Liam W.

Liam W.

35-45 Grupo etario

1 Niño , 3 - Edad

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Si Ud escoge Findaupair puede
Inicio: 08 / 2023 - 08 / 2024
Disponible para: 3 months - 12 months
Nombre Liam W.
Nacionalidad Australian
Idioma(s) que habla English
Vivimos en Australia
Registrado en 10/07/2023
Último acceso 12 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Presentación personal

We have a really fun life and an Au Pair would have a great adventure to come and stay with us in Australia for 3 months to 12 months. I live in a large 3 bedroom house with a nice kitchen in Brisbane Australia which is near the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast, and there is lots of fun things to do in Brisbane like parks, cafe's, Southbank parklands and shopping centers. I have a spare car which can be used for an Au Pair and also there is a bus and train nearby if you don't have a license. I'm a really chill and fun person and am looking for someone who is the matching lifestyle especially someone who enjoys the beach and rainforests and who would love to visit a fun tropical beach location. On most holidays or weekends we go to the Sunshine Coast to the beach where my family has an beach apartment, this is a great fun place to go to relax. I'm a super friendly and relax person and love the beach and tropical islands and just want someone to be Au Pair with our family who is also relaxed and friendly and who loves the beach and outdoors too. I grew up on the beach area and am used to bikini/boardshorts lifestyle in the water surfing and rest on the beach. Apart from looking after Orlando some of the things you can enjoy is travelling to Sunshine Coast which is a beautiful coastal area in Queensland in Australia which we do most weekends, also family holidays to Moreton Island Tangalooma resort where you can feed live dolphins in the sea and dive in shipwrecks with coral and fish. Also Fraser Island which is completely sand where you can swim in beautiful crystal clear lakes and see rainforests with sand rivers, and Stradbroke Island where there is beautiful beaches and campsites for family holidays. If you are with our family you will get treated as family and get taken care of for delicious food and also enjoy days off to explore and make friends in Brisbane and Qld. Young people in QLD is visiting from all over the world and you'll make lots of friends and enjoy a fun time here. The host house is mine so you can bring friends over, Just remember #1 job is Orlando's care. About me, I'm Liam and work on Movie Visual Effects building the Environments. I'm a single parent and I have a girlfriend who is a Dental Assistant from Sunshine Coast who I'll catch up with on some weekends. I am great friends with Orlando mum and we hang out frequently she is also excited to meet the right person to take care of Orlando as an Au Pair. I worked for 20 years on Movies Industry for Hollywood on Transformers, Rings of Power, Marvel Movies and Avatar 2 movie making the environments on computer in 3D. I work in Southbank and also work as a Uni teacher approx. 50-60hrs a week. My son Orlando the boy who you would be taking care of as an Au Pair lives with me 5 days a week and he is a beautiful friendly little boy with dark hair and brown eyes who is very affectionate and will like to have fun with you doing any activity. He enjoys making puzzles and riding toy bikes and playing at the beach or park on swings. He's a good boy and easy to take care of. In our house is a ping pong table, nice private room for you to use with a wardrobe and nice kitchen. I'll have a spare car to use also. Everyone will be at work during the day so you will have the house to enjoy by yourself. I'll help as much as needed and Orlando can go to daycare a few days a week if that helps and at night for a few hours you can cuddle him instead while I do some work at home. I'm flexible to find a schedule that works for you and me. So in summary if you are interested to see tropical QLD in Australia and work as an AU Pair who would enjoy a tropical adventure beach working holiday and you are a chill and friendly person you will have a great time and fun adventure.

El empleo para personal extranjero de trabajo doméstico

Helping me to take care of Orlando during the week and some days on weekends so I can do my work, coming with us to family holidays on weekends or trips to play with him at island / resorts / camping trips. Very minor housework like wash your own dishes or buy some food for us from the grocery store would be super helpful. Flexable on days you want off or weekends off etc so you don't get too tired and have time to play and have fun with your friends. Lots of parks, playgrounds and shops is nearby to play with Orlando and also nice big house with backyard and kitchen and livingroom and tv inside to relax with him indoors. Pay would be $250 per week AUD plus your own room and meals, free internet/netflix etc. Ideally 6 months or 12 months stay would be great.

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Prefiero personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico del género Mujer
Se aceptan parejas de personas extranjeras para trabajo doméstico No
Se requerirá que el personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico maneje autos No
Se requiere el cuidado de una persona mayor No
Se requiere que el personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico realize trabajos del hogar

Acerca de

Familia monoparental
Nuestra religión Church of Christ
Practicamos nuestra religión
Tenemos niños con necesidades especiales No
Requerimos el cuidado de niños menores a 2 años de edad No