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Emma L.

Emma L.

19 Edad, Mujer

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Comenzar: 07 / 2025 - 08 / 2025
Disponible para: 1 month - 2 months
Nombre Emma L.
Nacionalidad French
Idioma(s) que habla English
Viviendo ahora en France
Quiere ser un personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico en Iceland , Finland , United Kingdom
Registrado en 19/02/2025
Último acceso 3 days ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Presentación personal

My love for childcare began thanks to my grandmother. She was a nanny until she retired a few years ago, and she allowed me to help take care of the children. I learned a lot from her. Later, I decided to work at a leisure centre in my hometown for a month. This was a little over a year ago, and I was responsible for children between the ages of 2 and 5. It was a very fun and enriching experience that I would gladly do again. In the meantime, friends of my parents have entrusted me with their children several times. I love children and enjoy taking care of them, helping them discover and learn about the world. Moreover, being an au pair is a great opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture and strengthen my ability to adapt to unfamiliar situations. Such an experience would also help me improve my English, German, or Spanish skills. I expect my au pair experience to be highly enriching, especially from a cultural perspective - living with another family, discovering a new country, and experiencing a different way of life. In other words, it would broaden my horizons even more, and I love learning. Additionally, I know it will help me improve my childcare skills because I believe there is always more to learn when it comes to taking care of children, as each child is different. Therefore, I would love to join a host family that could help me discover their culture and country.


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¿Ha trabajado antes en el país seleccionado? No
Ubicación preferida Any
¿Harás las tareas del hogar?
¿Cuidará a niños menores de 2 años?
Edades preferidas de los niños 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10
¿Aceptará una familia monoparental?
¿Cuidará a niños con necesidades especiales?
¿Cuidará de mascotas?
¿Cuidará a adultos mayores? No

Acerca de

Estado civil Single
¿Es Ud. parte de una pareja extranjera para trabajo doméstico? No
¿Tiene licencia de conducir?
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que tiene licencia de conducir? 2 a 3 años de edad
¿Está dispuesto(a) a conducir?
Consideraciones dietéticas None
Religión Atheist
¿Ud. practica su religión? No
¿Alguna vez has laborado como personal extranjero de trabajo doméstico? No