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Milla T.

Milla T.

19 Edad, Mujer

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Si Ud escoge Findaupair puede
Comenzar: 01 / 2025 - 03 / 2025
Disponible para: 3 months - 6 months
Nombre Milla T.
Nacionalidad Finnish
Idioma(s) que habla Finnish
Viviendo ahora en Finland
Quiere ser un personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico en Canada , Australia , Malta
Registrado en 05/09/2024
Último acceso 2 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Presentación personal

Moikka! I mean Hello! I'm Milla, 19-year-old girl from Finland. I'm very excited to start my new journey as an au pair. I'm ready to learn new things and I hope I can bring a touch of joy in everyday life. I love throwing myself into new situations and getting to know people, and I'm looking for a family with whom I can share laughter and joy, improve my language skills and create memories together. If you could describe me as a color, it would be orange, although I don't like the color orange itself, it would perfectly describe my personality as an optimistic, perceptive and lively person. I believe versatility is my strength. I am adaptable and enjoy different tasks. I’m used to working with variety of people and I always find a way to adapt to a new situation. My versatility is also reflected in my interests and I am sure that we will find something in common with the children, but also with the parents. For example, I own a motorcycle and can control any vehicle, I play video games, I have played many different sports, and I love music and especially animals. I currently have two bunnies and my family has had many kinds of pets. I got my first pet bunny when I was 9 and with that I have learned responsibility, so I am more than happy to take care of the furry friends of the house as well if that is the case. I just graduated from Finnish “high school”. I was in a class that focused on math and science. So I'm sure I can help with any homework if needed. I’m planning to become a veterinarian and it’s also my dream job from when I was a kid. I have worked with loads of kids before. I had a job in local campsite for four years where I had to entertain and look after kids. Everyday there were new kids from all around Finland. I’d say my superpower is my bonding skills. There was loads of kids with different backgrounds and personalities and we always found ways to have fun with everyone. So I’m sure we will become the best of friends! I have always been interested in different cultures and how people around the world live their life differently to myself. I haven’t had much opportunities to see the world. I’ve only been in Italy for a week as an exchange student. I got to see how they lived their daily lives and even that week taught me so many new things. That experience was so amazing and eye opening to me and it really gave me boost to motivate me to go explore the world. That is one of the reasons why I want to be an au pair. I look forward to the opportunity to be part of the family and learn from you while bringing my own culture and energy. I believe that together we can create memorable moments! Warm regards Milla

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¿Ha trabajado antes en el país seleccionado? No
Ubicación preferida Any
¿Harás las tareas del hogar?
¿Cuidará a niños menores de 2 años? No
Edades preferidas de los niños
¿Aceptará una familia monoparental?
¿Cuidará a niños con necesidades especiales?
¿Cuidará de mascotas?
¿Cuidará a adultos mayores?

Acerca de

Estado civil Single
¿Es Ud. parte de una pareja extranjera para trabajo doméstico? No
¿Tiene licencia de conducir?
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que tiene licencia de conducir? 3 a 4 años de edad
¿Está dispuesto(a) a conducir?
Consideraciones dietéticas None
Religión Evangelical Lutheran
¿Ud. practica su religión? No
¿Alguna vez has laborado como personal extranjero de trabajo doméstico? No