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Justine B.

Justine B.

22 Edad, Mujer

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Si Ud escoge Findaupair puede
Comenzar: 01 / 2025 - 03 / 2025
Disponible para: 6 months - 12 months
Nombre Justine B.
Nacionalidad French
Idioma(s) que habla English
Viviendo ahora en France
Quiere ser un personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico en Australia
Registrado en 30/08/2024
Último acceso 2 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Presentación personal

YOUNG COUPLE LOOKING FOR A FAMILY We are a young couple, Justine and Titouan (or Juju and Titou if you prefer). We are 22 and 23 years old. Titouan has a Master's degree in Sports Management, and worked for 2 years at the “Ligue de Tennis de Bretagne” (events and tennis club development). Justine obtained her Master's degree in Marketing and Communication, following a 6-month internship with the fish cannery “la belle-iloise” (communication, events). We've both had our driver's license since the age of 18. We therefore have between 4 and 5 years' driving experience (your children will be safe with us!). And Titouan has already had several opportunities to drive groups of children at sporting events! We've been a couple for over 5 years now (time flies), we grew up together and we know each other by heart. We're complementary people! We've already lived together for over 10 months in a small house in Brittany (in the west of France), over 6 hours' drive from our home (Reims). Titouan is qualified in first aid (PSC1 and PSC2) and aquatic rescue and safety. We would like to join an Australian family for a minimum of 6 months (and why not extend the adventure if all goes according to plan). Our aim is to be an integral part of your family, to be a big brother and sister to your children, on whom they can always count! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to learn more about us! I would be delighted to chat with you. See you soon ! Justine & Titouan

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¿Ha trabajado antes en el país seleccionado? No
Ubicación preferida A Town
¿Harás las tareas del hogar?
¿Cuidará a niños menores de 2 años?
Edades preferidas de los niños
¿Aceptará una familia monoparental?
¿Cuidará a niños con necesidades especiales? No
¿Cuidará de mascotas?
¿Cuidará a adultos mayores? No

Acerca de

Estado civil Boyfriend/Girlfriend
¿Es Ud. parte de una pareja extranjera para trabajo doméstico?
¿Tiene licencia de conducir?
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que tiene licencia de conducir? 4 a 5 años de edad
¿Está dispuesto(a) a conducir?
Consideraciones dietéticas None
Religión Atheist
¿Ud. practica su religión? No
¿Alguna vez has laborado como personal extranjero de trabajo doméstico? No