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Sofia M.

Sofia M.

23 Edad, Mujer

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Comenzar: 08 / 2024 - 08 / 2024
Disponible para: 1 month - 1 month
Nombre Sofia M.
Nacionalidad Italian
Idioma(s) que habla Italian
Viviendo ahora en Italy
Quiere ser un personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico en Netherlands , Finland , France
Registrado en 23/07/2024
Último acceso 2 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Presentación personal

To Whom It May Concern, My name is Sofia Mamola and I live in a small town in the province of Turin, Leinì, a rather monotonous reality, linked to the stereotypes of the periphery. I have never really loved the place and I have always hoped to be able to leave it one day, headed for more challenging settings. The opportunity to attend to youwould be a key step in my career and life, in a place so far from home, so different and new from what I am used to, This would be the achievement of my desire for change. I consider myself an enterprising girl, always looking for innovation, and stubborn, meaning that I am very attentive to details. Since I was a child, I have always enjoyed designing clothes and creating clothes for my dolls. It has always been a spontaneous and natural instinct for me. I like things that stand out, such as avant-garde works, which know how to amaze the audience. It is a quality that I tend to convey in my drawings or projects, sometimes perhaps too much. I have an extreme desire to demonstrate, to emerge and this can only happen through dedication, hard work and a quality education. In conclusion, I hope you will consider my application, this would be a wonderful opportunity to reach an important achievement in my personal and professional career. Sofia Mamola

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¿Ha trabajado antes en el país seleccionado? No
Ubicación preferida Any
¿Harás las tareas del hogar?
¿Cuidará a niños menores de 2 años? No
Edades preferidas de los niños
¿Aceptará una familia monoparental?
¿Cuidará a niños con necesidades especiales?
¿Cuidará de mascotas?
¿Cuidará a adultos mayores?

Acerca de

Estado civil Single
¿Es Ud. parte de una pareja extranjera para trabajo doméstico? No
¿Tiene licencia de conducir? No
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que tiene licencia de conducir? Menos de 1 año de edad
¿Está dispuesto(a) a conducir? No
Consideraciones dietéticas None
Religión No Religion
¿Ud. practica su religión? No
¿Alguna vez has laborado como personal extranjero de trabajo doméstico? No