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Anna S.

Anna S.

20 Edad, Mujer

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Comenzar: 04 / 2014 - 10 / 2015
Disponible para: 1 month - 18 months
Nombre Anna S.
Nacionalidad Russian
Idioma(s) que habla English, Russian, Swedish
Viviendo ahora en Russia
Quiere ser un personal extranjero para trabajo doméstico en Sweden , Netherlands , United States of America
Registrado en 05/04/2014
Último acceso 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Presentación personal

Dear family, My name is Anna. I'm open-minded person. I love life. I love nature and children. I think it's a really two things from which you can learn a lot of . The trivial thing bit i'll still write it: I want to explore new things, try new things, meet new people. I really like the fact what there are so many cultures in the world, but just believe what taste for life, sense of humor and kindness can unite all people. Recently I experienced the beautiful city AMSTERDAM! That amazed me!! It looks so relaxed and fun but I also would like to challenge the real life&work experience there. So I would like to look for a family in this georgeous city, too. I am going to visit soon again so I could easily meet up with the family! :) Also, last years I've been really charmed with STOCKHOLM, have traveled there 5 times already - with each realizing how much this is my place: the city, the people, the style of life. So it would be really great and reasonable for me to find a family there. I believe I suit the city good. Ahh and I kan svenska lite grann men fortfårande inte så bra, men jag gillar svenska så jag vill plugga den mer ;) But actually, I find both countries awesome so even you live not in those capitals, I still would like to experience those great countries.

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¿Ha trabajado antes en el país seleccionado? No
Ubicación preferida A Capital City
¿Harás las tareas del hogar?
¿Cuidará a niños menores de 2 años? No
Edades preferidas de los niños 2-18
¿Aceptará una familia monoparental?
¿Cuidará a niños con necesidades especiales? No
¿Cuidará de mascotas?
¿Cuidará a adultos mayores? No

Acerca de

Estado civil
¿Es Ud. parte de una pareja extranjera para trabajo doméstico? No
¿Tiene licencia de conducir? No
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que tiene licencia de conducir? No la tienes
¿Está dispuesto(a) a conducir? No
Consideraciones dietéticas Vegetarian
Religión No Religion
¿Ud. practica su religión? No
¿Alguna vez has laborado como personal extranjero de trabajo doméstico? No